As a child that watched a lot of super hero movies I have always wanted one superpower and that power was super-intelligence. I have always wanted to know the secrets of everything. I wanted to know everything the geniuses knew and more. I wanted a brain that fired on all cylinders at full power at all times. I wanted to comprehend everything I read and retain it into my memory banks for future withdrawal. I didn't want to know a lot about a little or even a little about a lot...I wanted to know it ALL!
We serve a GREAT BIG GOD! His love and majesty is beyond human comprehension. Our brains weigh about 3.3 pounds and we only use a small fraction of them. We can’t wrap our little brains around our Big God. Isaiah 40:12 tells us that God held the oceans in the palm of His hands. Why do we try to put Him in a box that we can explain? God is OUR Creator, He explains us to us!
We serve a GREAT BIG GOD! His love and majesty is beyond human comprehension. Our brains weigh about 3.3 pounds and we only use a small fraction of them. We can’t wrap our little brains around our Big God. Isaiah 40:12 tells us that God held the oceans in the palm of His hands. Why do we try to put Him in a box that we can explain? God is OUR Creator, He explains us to us!
As I was meditating on this God
revealed to me that our limited use of our brains wasn’t always the case. When Adam walked with God in the Garden of
Eden, Adam was perfect, mind, body and soul.
God breathed His breath of life into Adam - GOD’S DNA – Adam was
PERFECTION personified.
Adam TALKED with God, he
UNDERSTOOD God, he communed with
God. It took Adam’s entire brain to be WITH GOD.
No burning bush, no cloud, not in
a dream…They walked and talked WITH GOD AND ALL HIS GLORY! Adam and Eve understood fully the realm of the supernatural which was the way God intended. The Supernatural is the natural way of living God intended for man. The natural way things are today are the complete opposite than the original intention of our Creator. Our normal natural is so abnormal that we should be ashamed that we have settled for less than the best of God.
The fall of man was the greatest
tragedy this world has ever faced. God
said when you eat from the fruit of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil you
shall surely die…they did eat of it and the death surely came.
It just took time. They were walking in the Garden with God, in
HIS GLORY!!! Man was never intended to die;
he was made PERFECT and was meant to live forever.
However sin caused Adam and Eve to be removed from the Garden and the
presence of God.
Sin cannot exist in the glory of God. Adam and Eve had to be removed from the Garden.
Sin cannot exist in the glory of God. Adam and Eve had to be removed from the Garden.
It took hundreds of years for
their bodies to succumb to death because the Glory of God is just so awesome it
took that long for the process to take place.
The Glory of God past through them generation to generation.
The further and further man got
from God, the less and less of His Glory was running through man’s DNA.
The less man’s brain was needed…this
world does not require our brains to be running at full capacity as it was intended and that is
why over the generations we lost usage of it.
Can you imagine what it will be
like after the rapture, going to Heaven, being in the Glory of God…we will be
perfect again just like He intended before the fall. We all will have the power of Super-Intelligence...Divine Intelligence. We will be whole in the presence of our God.
We will be able to comprehend just HOW GREAT our GREAT BIG GOD really is!
We will be able to comprehend just HOW GREAT our GREAT BIG GOD really is!
Until Next Time, God Bless!!!