I woke up from a dream about my 10-speed bicycle "Charlie" that I had as a young teenager. The memories that hit me were of when I had to work on Charlie. I was getting flat tires regularly. I was getting pretty good at patching tires and changing out inner tubes when patching was no longer an option.
The back tires used to give me a hard time when I would go to put them back on the bicycle. I would get so frustrated that I would end up in tears.
Going to my mom was not an option as she was not mechanically inclined. Her response would have been, "Sorry sweetie you will just have to ride the bus."
My step-dad would have been great to go to but during the week he was working out of town taking care of his mother after her stroke.
So if I didn't want to take the bus I had to fix Charlie myself. The first time that it happened a boy who I went to school with past by and asked if I would like some help. I said sure and watched him like a hawk so that I would know what to do the next time that Charlie would get a flat. He fixed it in no time flat, I thanked him and he went on his way.
A couple weeks later I had another flat on the back tire. I fixed up the tire but when I went to put it back on the bike I had the same problem as before...I couldn't get the chain to stay on.
I was getting frustrated and I knew I had to go ask the boy for help again. I was not happy about that because I "wanted" to do it "myself". I didn't want to have to rely on anyone to fix my Charlie.
I had to swallow my pride and go ask the boy to help me. I told him that I was sorry but I needed his help again. This time I also asked if he could he teach me how to put the back wheel on myself. The boy was glad to help by showing me the proper way to fix Charlie up.
God gave me a visual of Charlie and his chain this morning to remind me that it is okay to ask for help, He wants to help. You see it has been a rough week. I was asking God for help but my independent nature was rearing its ugly head...by wanting to help God fix my problems.
Isn't that funny? As if God needs my help - there I am trying to do things that He wants to help me with. Or worse, not asking at all thinking that I can do it on my own without Him.
Whether consciously or subconsciously independence from God is not good, actually it is very bad! We need to be intentional in our relationship with Him. He comes before everything and everyone...especially us!
I hadn't thought about Charlie in years and here God was using him in my dreams as an illustration that I needed first thing this morning.
What's God trying to get across to you? I pray you are open to His help and obedient to His instructions.
Until Next Time, God Bless!
The back tires used to give me a hard time when I would go to put them back on the bicycle. I would get so frustrated that I would end up in tears.
Going to my mom was not an option as she was not mechanically inclined. Her response would have been, "Sorry sweetie you will just have to ride the bus."
My step-dad would have been great to go to but during the week he was working out of town taking care of his mother after her stroke.
So if I didn't want to take the bus I had to fix Charlie myself. The first time that it happened a boy who I went to school with past by and asked if I would like some help. I said sure and watched him like a hawk so that I would know what to do the next time that Charlie would get a flat. He fixed it in no time flat, I thanked him and he went on his way.
A couple weeks later I had another flat on the back tire. I fixed up the tire but when I went to put it back on the bike I had the same problem as before...I couldn't get the chain to stay on.
I was getting frustrated and I knew I had to go ask the boy for help again. I was not happy about that because I "wanted" to do it "myself". I didn't want to have to rely on anyone to fix my Charlie.
I had to swallow my pride and go ask the boy to help me. I told him that I was sorry but I needed his help again. This time I also asked if he could he teach me how to put the back wheel on myself. The boy was glad to help by showing me the proper way to fix Charlie up.
God gave me a visual of Charlie and his chain this morning to remind me that it is okay to ask for help, He wants to help. You see it has been a rough week. I was asking God for help but my independent nature was rearing its ugly head...by wanting to help God fix my problems.
Isn't that funny? As if God needs my help - there I am trying to do things that He wants to help me with. Or worse, not asking at all thinking that I can do it on my own without Him.
Whether consciously or subconsciously independence from God is not good, actually it is very bad! We need to be intentional in our relationship with Him. He comes before everything and everyone...especially us!
I hadn't thought about Charlie in years and here God was using him in my dreams as an illustration that I needed first thing this morning.
What's God trying to get across to you? I pray you are open to His help and obedient to His instructions.
Until Next Time, God Bless!