Saturday, May 4, 2013


As I looked out over the ocean it was grey and dismal due to the pending storm being evident in the skies above.  I began to meditate on reflection.  When I first started this post I wanted to talk about how we let our surroundings (the weather, other people, traffic etc) dictate on what kind of day we allow ourselves to have - reflecting our surroundings back at the world.  

However the Holy Spirit has another reflection He is placing upon my heart to write about.

I am in the process of reading a book called "How to Win Friends & Influence People" written by Dale  Carnegie.  One of the suggestions he gives (to get the most out of the book) is to look back at your week to check up on your progress of implementing the principles he writes about.

This morning over my coffee I began reflecting about this past week.  I saw several situations I could have handled better and saw people I could have blessed.   Self analysis continually helps us to improve our ability to make better decisions.  The Holy Spirit told me,  "Self Improving - Not Self Loathing".  The Holy Spirit works on your self improvement while satan works on your self loathing.   (Thank you Holy Spirit for those words) 

When you allow the Holy Spirit to work in you He shows you things you might have missed on your own.  Face it when we are wrapped up in our own thoughts and our little world, we miss what is going on around of us.  At least it is true of me. 

In this season I am asking God to make me into the person He wants me to be.  I am intentionally asking Him to show me the things that I think, say, and do that are not acceptable to Him.  Bringing them to my attention so that when they rear their ugly heads I can specially not go there.  Eventually I won't even have to think about it as it will become a good habit that has replaced the bad.  On my own I can't/won't change anything about me however with His help I can overcome all my bad habits.  AMEN!

There was a time not that long ago that I felt invisible and was a very self-centered person desperately wanting people to love me.   All I cared about was being everyone's favorite everything.  

Now that I am a confident child of God - I no longer want you to see Joela when you look at me, I want you to see my Jesus living in me.  The Flesh-man Joela needs to die so that the Spirit-man of Christ can live and grow strong.  (ooh another type of reflection - thank you Holy Spirit)    To God Be All the Glory, AMEN!

Isn't God wonderful, I just love Him!!

I pray that you reflect on reflection and allow the Holy Spirit to work on the areas of your life that He desires change.  

Until next time, God Bless!

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