Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I like for things to be a certain way and when they are not "my" way, I am not happy.  Actually, I can be downright pissy when things aren't the way that I like them or feel they should be.  I'm also not good with change that is not my idea.

I am praying for God to change me into the woman He created me to be.  I am constantly praying for the Holy Spirit to change my "all about me" and the "my way or highway" attitude that tends to creep up when I am not paying attention.  I also pray for forgiveness when I stumble and act like the self-centered narcissist that my past is full of. 

I can remember a time when all 3 of my kids and all my grandchildren (3 at that time) all lived within a mile of me.  I would see everyone at least once or twice a week.  We had BBQ's, sleep overs and family time more often than not.  I LOVED IT.  

Then what happened, long story short, we all moved away.  None of us live in the same city and most of us don't even live in the same state as the others.  Not being able to see anyone except for facebook is not my idea of family time but it is what I get.  NOT LOVING IT.

However our God is a God of movement, change.  He has put me right where He wants me.  I am away from the all folks that I would completely immerse my entire life in and around, not even think of doing anything else, but BBQ's, sleep overs and having family time more often than not.

God has taken me out of my comfort zone of the San Joaquin Valley of California, taken me away from family and friends, and has me in beautiful Southern Oregon away from most everyone that I love.  

God told Abram (later became Abraham) to go, move away from your family I am going to make you a great nation.  Long story short, Abram did as instructed and became the father of God's chosen people.  

Sometimes God has to get us away from all that we love so that He can get our time and attention.  To change (and use) us in ways that we can't even imagine.   

If I was immersed in my family and friends (the way I was) back in 2005 where would I be today?

Would I have become a leader in my church heading up the children's ministry, no. 
Would I have started a ministry to help the homeless, no. 
Would I be volunteering in a youth shelter, no.  
Would I be teaching adults bible study, no.
Would I be doing half the things that I do now, probably not.

Why not, well I wasn't challenged to do anything before.  How can you change if you are not challenged?  

If you knew me 10 or even 5 years ago, you would say, "Wow, Joela you have changed!  I never knew you had this in you!"  To be perfectly honest with you, neither did I!  (I also know that I am at the beginning of my change)!

I thank God for dropping me where He did and when He did it.  I am grateful that my pastors saw more in me than just a nice lady who comes to church and who is crafty.  I am grateful that they didn't leave it alone when I threw my hands up and said, "Oh no pastor you got the wrong girl" and I am grateful that God kept speaking to my heart on things that I ignored (for years)!

He has me using the time that I would devote to my family and has me involved and blessing other families and individuals.  You see "I" am an over-doer, when it comes to people/activities/projects (etc) that I am excited about - I jump in with both feet doing what I can to be the best that I can be at whatever I happen to be doing at that time.  

Is God asking you to change something?  Are you fighting it?  Are you running from it?  Your destiny might need you to leave your comfort zone.  It might not be as drastic as moving to another state or country, it might just be saying "yes" to something you are being asked to do.  

Do I like being away from my family, no.  Do I wish we lived closer, YES!  But right now I am not fighting what God is changing in my life as I know He is training me for my future, my destiny.  Do I know what that is, no not really.  But I have faith in God and that is all that matters.  Do I have all the answers, no I don't but I am learning something new every day.  

God doesn't overwhelm us by trying to change us all at once; He has us work on one thing at a time.  We are the ones that try to change all at once, and then call ourselves useless and failures when we cannot accomplish the unreachable goals.  Don't set yourself up for failure.  Ask God, what change He wants you to make today.  You might be surprised on what He has you do first.

God's instructions don't have to make sense, they are to make faith.  What is God asking you to change today?  Are you willing?  Are you ready?  It is time for change.

Until Next Time, God Bless!

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