Tuesday, August 19, 2014

You Are Special

I am proud of: 
  1. Joy, Chris, Jeannie and the grandchildren that call me Nana Jojo
  2. That I was a part of James Caldwell’s life and helped to ensure his mark was left upon this world through the above mentioned children and grandchildren – he mattered!
  3. Of my entire family; right, wrong, related or not, adopted or not, I love them all whether they like it or not!
  4. To have been the daughter of Ilene Thrift Manes
  5. That even though I may have been abandoned at times during my childhood that I had family that swooped in to save me from ending up in the foster care system
  6. That I no longer have abandonment issues
  7. That by watching mama get thrown around, I was determined that no man would ever do that to me
  8. That I didn’t kill those that tried to use me as a punching bag…even though it came close 
  9. That I didn’t go to jail for “assault with deadly weapons” that were in my reach as I defended myself from the above offenders
  10. That my Mexican family that took me in, wanted to keep me when mama showed up wanting me back and that to this day they still love me and consider me one of their own
  11. That I have a husband that loves me and even though I have doubled in size since he met me he still considers me beautiful
  12. That I am an extrovert that does enjoy being alone having “me” times
  13. That even though I only have a high school diploma I have a decent job with decent pay
  14. That I had enough credits to finish high school 2 months early, being in the graduation ceremony with my class of 1984, receiving my high school diploma even though I got married at 16
  15. That I was not pregnant when I got married at 16
  16. That I am loyal…at times I am even loyal to those that don’t deserve my loyalty
  17. That I no longer host Pity Parties with the theme of “Why Me”
  18. That I am an encourager of those who need lifting up
  19. To have been brought up with the mindset, you are never too poor to help others
  20. That I am a giver…sometimes to a fault
  21. That I am a child of God
  22. That I am bold about my faith
  23. That I know my calling and I am fulfilling God’s plan for my life
  24. That my personal motto is: I am blessed, not just to say I am blessed but to be a blessing
  25. That I am sensitive, you will not cry alone in my presence
  26. That I am still a kid at heart
  27. That I am not embarrassed to get into the floor to play with children and be one of them, after all they are my people!
  28. That I am organized
  29. That I am no longer ashamed of “me”
  30. That I am no longer a migraine sufferer – I am well in Jesus Name!
  31. That I am a writer and soon an author!
  32. That I am a sewist (I am not a sewer) S E W E R is something gross that my plumbers have to deal with and what I do with fabric is not POOP
  33. That I am the queen of copying
  34. That I am a teacher of my passions - whether it is card making, scrapbooking, sewing, computer basics, organizing, Sunday school, Bible Study or even how to make enchiladas from scratch, I will teach anyone who wants to learn.  Male, Female from 2 to 102 – I love teaching others that they can do it too
  35. That I strive to make ordinary things pretty
  36. That my bosses think I am invaluable
  37. That I am a quick study
  38. That I have manners…for the most part
  39. That I get excited over the littlest things
  40. I am passionate and love deeply
  41. That I try to make everyone feel loved and welcomed where ever I am
  42. That I am willing to change things that God needs me to change about myself.  Thank God He only asks one thing at a time to change.  I am a work in progress and making progress everyday!
  43. That when I am committed to something, you can either help or get out of my way, I need see it through, not only correctly but in a timely manner
  44. That I can admit when I am wrong or have done something wrong and not be ashamed to ask how you would like for me to remedy my blonde blunder
  45. That I can clean up your mess and not rub your face in it, I don’t need to point fingers of blame.  If I see a consistency I will pull you aside in private to let you know how not to create the mess without bruising your ego
  46. That I am funny and fun to be around
  47. That I can drive a stick and that back in the day I have worked on my own cars, you know before the computer era.  I have even worked on cars while wearing a dress looking good while I was doing it.  I have rebuilt a 350 transmission; change all fluids, filters, replaced alternators, starters, spark plugs, points, wires and the like.  Thanking God that I have never needed to change a tire!
  48. Of my name Joela
  49. That I love and obey God, without Him this list would be empty
  50. Most of all that I am proud that I am ME, the best ME that I can possibly BE!!
  51. and number 51, that in my 50's list that I didn't mention my overzealous love and enthusiasm for Snoopy and the Doobie Brothers!
In my writing class we were challenged with writing 50 things about our life that we are proud of.  Not really things that we have accomplished but what in our life we are proud of.   This was not a “Narcissistic” assignment – this was discovering how wonderful and special we are. 

I would like to ask you all to do this about you/your life.  50 is a lot especially for those that are all about others.  If you have trouble getting started, ask those that love you most, “What is the first thing that pops into your head when you think of me?”

I know this is not an easy task.  You wouldn't be doing this for me or anyone else, this is for you.  You don't have to share with anyone what you come up with on the list, again this is for you.

Always remember and never forget Psalm 139:14 "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." and Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations." 

You may have made mistakes, but God doesn't and He thinks you are pretty awesome.  So awesome that He sent His Son to die for you.  Chew on that for a bit and let it resonate in your spirit.  

I pray that you do this and God reveals to you everything wonderful that He created in you that make you, the you that everyone around you, loves about you!

Until Next Time, God Bless!!!

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