Thursday, December 18, 2014

Who is He?

You are the Great I Am that I Am
You are The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit
You are Yahweh, Yeshua, and Ruach Ha-Kodesh (ROO-akh hak-KOH-desh)
You are the Rock of Salvation – You are MY ROCK
You are the Cloud by Day and the Fire by Night
You are the Alpha & the Omega, the Beginning and the End, You are the First and the Last
You are Everlasting to Ever LASTING
You are Omnipotent – You are Almighty and Powerful, none can defeat You!
You are Omnipresent – You are Ever Present with no beginning and no end, You are without restrictions of time that You created!
You are Omniscient – You are All Knowing God, of the past, present and future, You already know it before it ever takes place!
You are Elohim – God the Creator, my Creator, You created me on purpose for a purpose and I thank You!
You are El Shaddai – God the Almighty, God All Sufficient
You are Jehovah – God the Lord
You are Jehovah Shalom – My God of Perfect Peace
You are Jehovah Jireh – My God of Provision, You Provide for all my needs & more and I thank You!
You are Jehovah Raah – The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want and that is all I need to know!
You are Jehovah Rapha – My God of Healing and Restorer of my soul – I am healed of all sickness and diseases, You strengthen me beyond human capabilities and I thank You!
You are the Great Physician
You are Jehovah Tsidkenu (si ken noo) - My Lord of Righteousness
You are Jehovah Shammah – The Lord is Ever Present for Thou art with me
You are Jehovah Nissi – You are my God of Protection – You are my canopy, my hedge that keeps the enemy from harming me
You are Jehovah Kanna – The Lord is Jealous, You are Jealous for ME!!!  You are my only God, You alone I worship!  Hallelujah!
You are Jehovah M’kaddesh – The Lord my Sanctifier, You anoint my head with oil
You are Jehovah Shaphat – The Lord is Judge
You are Jehovah Saboath – The Lord of Host
You are Jehovah Elyon – The God Most High
You are Lord God
You are Immanuel – God is with us
You are the Lord of lords and the King of kings, all knees shall bow down and give You praise, Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
You are the One and Only True Living God that has ever been and that will ever BE
You are the Master and Ruler of All
You are Marvelous
You are An Awesome God!
You are Able
You are my Abba Father, my Daddy!
You are my Papa God!
You are the God of All Comfort
You are the Same Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 
You are Holy and Righteous, You are my High Priest 
Your Word is True yesterday, today and forever more
You are my Shelter in the storms - I hide in Your Secret Place
You are my Fortress and my High Tower
You are my Strength
You are my Shield
You are the Lion of the tribe of Judah
You are the Lamb of God
You are the Prince of Peace
You are the Champion of Calvary
You are the Bread of Life
You are Living Water
You are my Redeemer
You are my Rabbi – My Teacher
You are my Everything, You are my Source
You are so Worthy of Praise, there is NONE LIKE YOU
You are Jesus Christ
you are Faithful Witness; The Faithful and True Witness
You are the First Begotten of the dead
You are the King of the Earth
You are the Son of Man
You are He that lives and was dead
You are He that holds the seven stars
You are He Who walks in midst of the golden candlesticks
You are the Son of God
You are He which searches the reins and hearts
You are He that is Holy and True
You are He that Has the key of David
You are He Who opens and no one shuts and shuts and no on opens
You are The Amen
You are the Root of David
You are A Lamb as it had been slain
Holy, Holy, Holy

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

As I was ministering to the Lord this morning, I felt led to write down the names of God and Who He Is to me.  I know that my list is not complete but it is what I wrote. 

I sat there looking at my list and had to just marvel at my God and how AWESOME our God really Is.  He has all of our needs covered in every area of our lives.

If you have sickness, call on Jehovah Rapha.
If you have lack of provisions, call on Jehovah Nissi
If you have turmoil, call on Jehovah Shalom 
If you have sin, call on your Redeemer 

He is Father to the fatherless
He is the Defender of widows
He frees those in bondage
He guides you through the storms
He feeds the hungry
He gives Water to those that thirst
He conquers our enemies

Wow, we serve a GREAT BIG GOD. 

Why do we focus on the little problems in life when Our God is So Big?  Why do we see the spot on the rug when the rest of it is beautiful?  Why do we focus on the C when the rest of the report card is full of A's?  Why do we focus on what we don’t have instead of what we do have?

Why do we focus on the one or two imperfections in our lives when He has blessed us with so much?

I pray that what ever is going on in your lives that you will remember that God is more than able to help you if you will just call on Him.  He is God, He is Mighty, and is waiting.

Until Next Time, God Bless!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Alone for Christmas

We all have heard that Christmas is a time for families.  What about those of us that don’t have family to be with on Christmas?  What are we supposed to do? 

Some of us are blessed with friends that make certain that we are not alone, making sure that we are invited to some sort of gathering so that we are not left to our own devices.  What about those of us who slip through the holiday cracks?

Christmas has always been my favorite time of year.  Well that is not entirely true, there was a time when I was so deeply depressed that I didn’t want to deal with Christmas or the Holidays and just slept through them.  On Christmas I would get up long enough for the kids to open their presents and I went back to bed to hibernate.  I just couldn’t (or wouldn’t) deal with the Day, not because of what the Day was but more of what “I” wasn’t.

Can you imagine just sleeping though a day because you didn’t want to face your own inadequacies?  How many folks feel that way?  How many can’t face Christmas alone?  How many need to know that the Day, that represents God’s Love for us, that we are worth loving?

Now that I have come to know Christ as more than just a reason to have a day of presents and celebration, but as my Lord and Savior, Christmas means a lot more to me. 

Not only do I have the desire to spend it with loved ones, I want to spend it with Jesus, and I want to spend the morning in church praising and worshiping God (in His house). 

I know that I can do all that in my home, but I want to leave the comfort of my house and make some kind of effort to be around other believers and those seeking His presence in a loving atmosphere full of worship.  I want to be in the Glory of God, soaking up His Love on the most precious of days.  That thought alone has me giddy as a school girl jumping around excited for Christmas.

This morning as I was desperately looking on the internet to find a church service on Christmas Day, I felt in my spirit, “How many people desperately need to be with Me on this Day and don’t know of a place to go to celebrate My Love?  How many people are alone or homeless on this day and need My Church, the Body of Christ to love on them?”

I sat there crying as the images of the sad, lonely and forgotten flooded my mind.  The tears were not for me but for those faces that God put on my heart.  Why aren’t there more church services on Christmas Eve and on Christmas? 

I understand everyone wants to be with their families, I do too.  I also know that a lot of work and effort goes into putting on church.  However we, as children of the God Most High we are put on this earth to share His Love with our fellow man, why aren’t we doing it on the Day that represents His greatest gift to us? 

It doesn’t have to be an over done event that takes months of planning.  Even if the church doors were open for a couple hours in the morning to those who have no family, no friends, no parties and possibly no love in their everyday lives that need the comfort of God, wouldn’t that be worth it? 

Nothing fancy, just reading of the word retelling the birth of Christ, Sing some Christmas Carols, have some praise and worship of our Father, Son & Holy Spirit can feed the spirit.  Maybe even the partaking of the Holy Communion. 

A day of dedication to God as we celebrate the Day dedicated for the birth of His Son.  Just the image of this alone has the tears streaming down my face.  I get the best kind of warm fuzzies when I think of how much I love God and how much He loves me!

If the church and its members wanted to step it up, they could have a potluck and feed those that came to the service.  Imagine the ministry that could be accomplished by just fellowshipping with your fellow man over a little food to feed the tummies? 

A lot can be said when you take time to break bread with strangers on a day that is meant for families.

No one should ever feel alone or unloved, especially on a love-filled day as Christmas.  The celebration of Christ is a wonderful time to show the world His love. 

I pray that you will do a little something to show some love to someone outside your immediate family circle.  After all we are all God’s children; His gift of Love is for all of us that accept it. 

That right there is Christmas to me.

Until Next Time, God Bless and Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 15, 2014

No Cold Starts

I had an errand to run before church.  I needed to leave right then or I was going to be late for intercessory prayer.  I jumped into the car, started it, turned on the heater and pulled out of our drive way heading for town.  The dash board lights were all lit.  That only usually happens when you round a corner too fast.  The car started sputtering acting like it wanted to die.  The car started slowing down.  

I gave it some gas, the RPMs climb and the car moved forward.  On each side of the road were deep ditches so pulling off to the side of the road was not really an option.  I looked for someone’s drive way that I can pull into should the car die.   I gave it more gas and the car acted a little better as it picked up speed.   I was praying to God asking what I was to do.  Missing church was not going to happen.  I continued to give the car gas and it continued to move forward.  All of a sudden it had some oomph and acted normal so I proceeded to head to my first stop and thanked God that all was well.

That is when He told me, “You didn’t warm up the car, you didn’t allow the fluids to run through the engine and the car did not want to operate on the cold start.  Just as you started your day with Me…a cold start.”

BAMM that is exactly what happened!  I had slept in this morning by an hour.  As I got out of bed told God good morning and that I loved Him and that was it.  I carried on with my morning as if I had taken the normal time with God going about the things that happened afterwards.  I had my coffee, checked my email, checked Facebook and proceeded to my time in the word and even managed to watch a few television evangelists.  But no actual God time in Prayer, Praise and Worship.

As you can imagine, the repenting and the asking for forgiveness took place.  Just as my car needed time to warm up, allowing the fluids to do their job for the car to run properly I need to be prayed up for me to run properly.

I am a spiritual being that needs to be filled up with God’s Spirit, having Him flow through me in order for me to be at my top performance...I need God.  Without God I am running on Joela power and frankly Joela ain’t got no power!  I am like my car without gas and fluids running through me…DEAD DEAD DEAD.  

I need God’s anointing over my life, I need the Holy Spirit working in me to work through me or I just struggle to operate as the Creator intended.

I did get to have my prayer, praise and worship time at church however we can’t just have our God time in the building we call the church.  We need to have our God time in our own homes, in our daily lives.  We should have a place that is dedicated to our God time.  A place that when we go there God knows that we are there to minister to Him. 

What do I mean by ministering to the Lord?  When you minister to the Lord You give Him all of your attention.  No multitasking, give Him your all.

You Praise Him in His Majesty.  He is the Great I Am that I Am.  He is Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the End, Everlasting to Everlasting.  He is God Almighty, He is Lord of lords and King of kings.  He is our Rock of Salvation and He is MY ROCK.  He is my everything, He is my source.  Let Him know how Mighty and Powerful He is to you.

Worship Him in Song.  Speak His word back to Him.  Remind Him of His promises to us.  Speak to Him in your prayer language.  Violently stay focused on Him and in obedience.

It isn’t a matter of how long as in the aspect of the time on the clock.  It is about spending time with our Father, our God who created us, Who loves us and wants us to have a relationship with Him.

If you are married or in a relationship, do you tell that person I only have 10 minutes to talk to you then I want to do what I want?  No, you spend as much time with them as needed to nurture and grow in that relationship.  God wants you to grow in Him.

When you talk to Him you are feeding your spirit, when your spirit is satisfied with the time that is spent you will know when you are full. 

The best time is before you start your day, first thing.  Get up an hour earlier than you normally get up.  Even if you have coffee in one hand and the Bible in the other, talk to Him.  If music will disturb others in the household put on earphones.  Worship God.

You want to know how to get into His presence?  It all starts with Worship in Spirit and in Truth.  Don’t think that you can fake it with God.  He knows if you are just singing along to the song or if you are truly praising Him from your spirit.

I pray that you get your juices flowing properly; get God flowing in your life so that you operate at your top performance.  No cold starts in the Kingdom of God.  

Until Next Time, God Bless!

To God Be All the Glory AMEN AMEN AMEN!

Saturday, December 13, 2014


I am a person that gets easily exited, especially this time of year.  I get excited for the lights, Christmas trees, decorations, parties and everything that is associated with celebrating the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Even though this time of year I am alone to celebrate the Day it doesn’t stop me from being excited for the Christmas Season.  I decorate my house in excited anticipation for visitors.  I love to welcome people into our home and see their faces light up with excitement on how pretty the mantel is or in astonishment on the amount of Snoopy(s) I have to decorate the 7’ Christmas tree. 

I love to plan events that have you amazed that someone could go to that much trouble.  I love it when people tell me, “Joela you have over done it again.”  That is the best complement I could get as one of my philosophies in this life is, “I’d rather overdo it than under-do it.”  If you are going to do something you might as well give it your all and do it with passion!

I am the oldest 5 year old you will ever meet.  I don’t let the fact that my birth certificate states that my age is 48 years old stop me from getting excited about life.  If you know my past, you know that it is a miracle that I am alive right now, what’s not to be excited about?!?!  Life is short, too short not to enjoy it to the fullest.  Get excited for each day as if it is your last, as it might be!

When you give me a gift that I love, you are going to know it.  My neighbors might even know it because I am all excited and expressing that excitement as only I can, with true unhindered exuberance.  The fact that you thought of me to give me a gift has me thrilled but to get me a gift that says, “I saw this and had to get it for you.” has me over the moon!  You might even hear about it for the next month how much I appreciate that gift.

I have been told, “Wow, I am embarrassed for you.  You made quite a spectacle of yourself over that gift.”   My response always is, “Don’t be, I can’t help that I get so excited and frankly I don’t want to ever change.  It is who I am.” 

People don’t have to get me gifts and when they do I am appreciative.  Sometimes to tears that, “Wow you thought of me?  Really?  Wow, thank you so much.”  Even the tiniest form of a gift has me grateful that I was thought of that sometimes I end up in crying with joy. 

One of the things that I get excited for is planning gifts or surprises for those that I love. When I shop for a gift I have that person in mind, I thought of THEM as I got their gift.  I take my time deliberating over the gift. 

There is nothing better to me than to see someone’s face light up with joy and happiness over a gift that I have given them.  It fills me with delight and wonder that it makes me want to do more for them next time. 

On the flip side of that coin if someone doesn’t react to my gift, I am heartbroken.  It leaves me wondering what did I do wrong?  Didn’t you like it?  I thought you would love it and you don’t!  Crying that I failed them.

Yes, I know that some people don’t react with the excitement that I do.  My husband is one of those non-reactive people.  I can plan all year to get him the perfect gift, he will like or even love the gift but I can’t tell it.  I have come to know that is the way that he is, I understand it and have turned it into a challenge.  One of these days I will succeed and get him a gift that excites him. 

However there are those that I give to that aren’t responsive and downright not appreciative with the gift that I got them.  Not that I want gratitude, but if I went to the trouble to seek out a gift for you and it is going to end up end the re-gifting box for next year, I probably won’t buy you anything in the future.  I could use my money better elsewhere.

I have to stop and wonder if our Father in Heaven feels that way toward us?  Wow I gave the greatest gift of all, My Son and they don’t accept Him.  I just saved their lives from that car crash and nothing!  I fed them all year and no thank You.  Their boss wanted to fire them but I changed his mind and again no gratitude, no nothing. 

Can you imagine His disappointment and broken heartedness when we don’t show appreciation toward His gifts and blessings towards us?    Maybe He might feel it would be better to bless your neighbor as they may be more thankful for their blessings?  Maybe our lack of gratitude might cause Him to get an attitude toward giving to us.  After all He does not have to give us anything. 

I like to imagine that God enjoys my zest and zeal toward His gifts.  Where I embarrass those around me, God is up there telling Jesus, “Watch was she does when I give her this little blessing.  Watch her childlike excitement.”  I can just picture His face glowing with love and joy as I react to my gifts He gives me.  I can imagine His thoughts as He thinks, “I can’t wait for the opportunity to bless her again; she is fun to give to.”

I don’t deserve His gifts but He gives them to me anyway.  Me, this rebellious person that has disappointed Him a few times this life.  More like countless number of times that my actions, thoughts or words have caused Him to cringe. 

However the gifts keep coming – I am going to have my attitude of gratitude as I am excited that God saved me and continues to bless me each day.

Do you get excited for Jesus?  Do you get excited for the gifts and blessings that God bestows upon you?  Do you get excited that you woke up today?  Do you get excited that He chose you?  Do you get excited about His word, His love, His mercies, His Salvation, anything?

The word excited is an adjective, meaning very enthusiastic and eager.

I pray that you are very enthusiastic and eager for God.  The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are worth getting excited for.  Our very lives are worth getting excited for.  Watch how much He will bless you when you excited over your gifts. 

Also I pray that you will get excited about blessing others.  That is a wonderful way to thank God for blessing you.  The blessings that go out from you will come back to you one way or another.  It might not be from that person, but it will come back.  God will make sure of it.

You can’t out give God but it sure is exciting trying.

Until Next Time, God Bless!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Joyful Joela

Saturday we were told of a group of students that gave themselves names to assist the teacher in remembering their names. Some people call it the "Name Game" others call it the "Adjective Game" and I refer to it as the "Nugget Nickname Game".

First thing that popped into my head was "Joyful Joela" as I like to think that I am a joyful person and that I bring a lot of joy to the table, room, conversation, and of course even to the party. As you might imagine I am not the wall flower in the group.

That day was no exception, I was full of life and joy as I celebrated my friends that God has blessed me with.

Sunday however it took everything in my person to push through and do what I needed to do. Every direction I turned something was wrong with those that I love most. The worst part was that there was nothing "I" could do about any of it. I felt helpless like a lost child.

As I was sitting there just sobbing until there were no tears left to be cried, I looked up to God and said, "Daddy I need You. I love You God. I honor You as my Sovereign King, I praise and worship You as my Lord and Savior, and right now I need my Abba Father. I need my Daddy to comfort me as only You can."

As I washed my face and looked into the mirror I didn't see the woman who was all dolled up for her party, I saw the pain stricken face of the woman who can't fix her loved ones problems and other issues in her life that causes her and those she loves to hurt.

The tears started flowing again. I told that woman in the mirror, "The tears may flow but no one is stealing my joy. YOU GOT THAT SATAN?!?! You are not going to steal my joy!!"

Yes, my Nugget Nickname is still intact. Joyful Joela is at Your service Lord. You have those situations in Your Hands, You got this. I will focus on what You need me to focus on and do what You need me to do...I've Got JOY JOY JOY down in my heart!!! I will dance myself out of this nonsense, I will shake this funk, this funk that is junk from satan. I don’t accept this. I’ve Got JOY JOY JOY down in my heart!!!

So my friends, cry if you must. But once those tears are dried up you tell Satan he is not going to steal your joy, because God has got you in the palm of His hands. God loves us, each and everyone one of us, AMEN! 

I pray that you will call it all joy and remain joyful no matter the circumstances.

Until Next Time, God Bless!!!