Saturday, December 13, 2014


I am a person that gets easily exited, especially this time of year.  I get excited for the lights, Christmas trees, decorations, parties and everything that is associated with celebrating the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Even though this time of year I am alone to celebrate the Day it doesn’t stop me from being excited for the Christmas Season.  I decorate my house in excited anticipation for visitors.  I love to welcome people into our home and see their faces light up with excitement on how pretty the mantel is or in astonishment on the amount of Snoopy(s) I have to decorate the 7’ Christmas tree. 

I love to plan events that have you amazed that someone could go to that much trouble.  I love it when people tell me, “Joela you have over done it again.”  That is the best complement I could get as one of my philosophies in this life is, “I’d rather overdo it than under-do it.”  If you are going to do something you might as well give it your all and do it with passion!

I am the oldest 5 year old you will ever meet.  I don’t let the fact that my birth certificate states that my age is 48 years old stop me from getting excited about life.  If you know my past, you know that it is a miracle that I am alive right now, what’s not to be excited about?!?!  Life is short, too short not to enjoy it to the fullest.  Get excited for each day as if it is your last, as it might be!

When you give me a gift that I love, you are going to know it.  My neighbors might even know it because I am all excited and expressing that excitement as only I can, with true unhindered exuberance.  The fact that you thought of me to give me a gift has me thrilled but to get me a gift that says, “I saw this and had to get it for you.” has me over the moon!  You might even hear about it for the next month how much I appreciate that gift.

I have been told, “Wow, I am embarrassed for you.  You made quite a spectacle of yourself over that gift.”   My response always is, “Don’t be, I can’t help that I get so excited and frankly I don’t want to ever change.  It is who I am.” 

People don’t have to get me gifts and when they do I am appreciative.  Sometimes to tears that, “Wow you thought of me?  Really?  Wow, thank you so much.”  Even the tiniest form of a gift has me grateful that I was thought of that sometimes I end up in crying with joy. 

One of the things that I get excited for is planning gifts or surprises for those that I love. When I shop for a gift I have that person in mind, I thought of THEM as I got their gift.  I take my time deliberating over the gift. 

There is nothing better to me than to see someone’s face light up with joy and happiness over a gift that I have given them.  It fills me with delight and wonder that it makes me want to do more for them next time. 

On the flip side of that coin if someone doesn’t react to my gift, I am heartbroken.  It leaves me wondering what did I do wrong?  Didn’t you like it?  I thought you would love it and you don’t!  Crying that I failed them.

Yes, I know that some people don’t react with the excitement that I do.  My husband is one of those non-reactive people.  I can plan all year to get him the perfect gift, he will like or even love the gift but I can’t tell it.  I have come to know that is the way that he is, I understand it and have turned it into a challenge.  One of these days I will succeed and get him a gift that excites him. 

However there are those that I give to that aren’t responsive and downright not appreciative with the gift that I got them.  Not that I want gratitude, but if I went to the trouble to seek out a gift for you and it is going to end up end the re-gifting box for next year, I probably won’t buy you anything in the future.  I could use my money better elsewhere.

I have to stop and wonder if our Father in Heaven feels that way toward us?  Wow I gave the greatest gift of all, My Son and they don’t accept Him.  I just saved their lives from that car crash and nothing!  I fed them all year and no thank You.  Their boss wanted to fire them but I changed his mind and again no gratitude, no nothing. 

Can you imagine His disappointment and broken heartedness when we don’t show appreciation toward His gifts and blessings towards us?    Maybe He might feel it would be better to bless your neighbor as they may be more thankful for their blessings?  Maybe our lack of gratitude might cause Him to get an attitude toward giving to us.  After all He does not have to give us anything. 

I like to imagine that God enjoys my zest and zeal toward His gifts.  Where I embarrass those around me, God is up there telling Jesus, “Watch was she does when I give her this little blessing.  Watch her childlike excitement.”  I can just picture His face glowing with love and joy as I react to my gifts He gives me.  I can imagine His thoughts as He thinks, “I can’t wait for the opportunity to bless her again; she is fun to give to.”

I don’t deserve His gifts but He gives them to me anyway.  Me, this rebellious person that has disappointed Him a few times this life.  More like countless number of times that my actions, thoughts or words have caused Him to cringe. 

However the gifts keep coming – I am going to have my attitude of gratitude as I am excited that God saved me and continues to bless me each day.

Do you get excited for Jesus?  Do you get excited for the gifts and blessings that God bestows upon you?  Do you get excited that you woke up today?  Do you get excited that He chose you?  Do you get excited about His word, His love, His mercies, His Salvation, anything?

The word excited is an adjective, meaning very enthusiastic and eager.

I pray that you are very enthusiastic and eager for God.  The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are worth getting excited for.  Our very lives are worth getting excited for.  Watch how much He will bless you when you excited over your gifts. 

Also I pray that you will get excited about blessing others.  That is a wonderful way to thank God for blessing you.  The blessings that go out from you will come back to you one way or another.  It might not be from that person, but it will come back.  God will make sure of it.

You can’t out give God but it sure is exciting trying.

Until Next Time, God Bless!

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