This past week I have been listening to my favorite 80's hard rock while I have been working out and cleaning my house. It has kept my blood pumping and my body moving.
You might be thinking, "What you?!?! The Jesus loving girl is listening to secular music?!?!" Yes, me and I am bringing Jesus with me. After all, He lives in me, we are one. Jesus is not religious, why do we feel we need to be?
God has been ministering to me through my old party music. Granted, the original artist had a totally different meaning when they wrote the lyrics and that's okay. God can use whatever He wants to minister to people. After all He is God.
I have needed to feel young and alive again. This music makes me want to dance and enjoy the day. It makes the boring treadmill fun to be on. It has a wonderful tempo to get the dishes done faster, at least it seems faster.
This morning I didn't have time to get on the treadmill as I had too much to do before getting ready to meet a friend for our guild meeting. As I was doing the dishes after preparing my potluck dish, Twisted Sister's "You Got to Fight" started to play.
As I am headbanging to the beat and singing, "...Oh we're not gonna take it anymore. We got the right to choose it. There ain't no way we'll lose it. This is our life, this is our song. We'll fight the powers that be just don't pick our destiny 'cause you don't know us, you don't belong..."
God was singing back to me..."No, you're not going to take it anymore. I gave you the right to choose it. I've already won, no losing for you. This is your life, this is My song. You'll fight the enemy as he didn't pick your destiny, that was Me, you belong to me..."
God and I went on, but you get the gist. He reminded me how familiar I have become with my pain and my physical limitations. He said, "You got to fight to get rid of it. It is not yours, it is not a gift from Me. I have given you authority over the enemy, his lies and schemes. Stop trying to tolerate the pain. Stop accepting it. You got to fight."
I felt like I was Rocky in the corner of the boxing ring with Mickey motivating me before the next round.
When I am in prayer I am full of Godfidence, declaring the word, reminding God of His promises, taking authority from the place of my son-ship knowing who I am. I am His most beloved child who has child like faith knowing that my Papa God will take care of everything because I believe Him.
However, once the day goes on and the pain increases I seem to believe that it is just my pain and try to deal with it. Wow, how soon I forget my warrior's prayer and accept defeat.
The great thing about this life is that we do get to choose. We can choose to accept it or we can choose to come up with a plan to fight it. Fight familiarity as it is not our friend. Let's not become familiar with things that the enemy dumps on us. The enemy is not our friend either. He is out to steal, kill and destroy us any way that he can. He doesn't fight fair, he looks for our weak spots to use to his advantage.
Stop and think, "If you were the enemy where would you attack you?" That is where you need covering. Build up your armor with God. Be prepared as you got to fight.
The great thing is that the battle is already won.
Until next time, God Bless!
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