Sunday, January 19, 2014

Taking The Light For Granted

It was very foggy this morning as I was driving to church.  It wasn't pea soup but it was pretty thick.  I was on the main highway that runs through town when I saw an oncoming car with their fog lamps on and it reminded me that mine weren't on.  I reached over onto the dash board to turn them on; the fog lamp indicator light didn't appear on my dash board.

After fumbling a couple times with no success I took my mind and attention off the road for a moment to see if I actually turned on the switch, I swerved into the passing lane - thank God no one was there for me to hit.  A little surge of panic hit me.  The thought of something else that could possibly have stopped working on my car was causing my anxiety level to rise.

I spoke a quick prayer and as I said, "Amen" my eyes wandered to the light switch and noticed that the lights were off.  I turned on the lights and flipped the switch for the fog lamps and of course they worked.  AMEN!

As I was thanking God that everything worked He showed me that I took for granted that when my car is running that the headlights are always on.  That when I was in the midst of the fog and needed the extra lighting that my attempts were futile due to the main lighting source not being utilized as the car manufacturer had intended.  I do have an owner's manual in the glove compartment (that I have read) and know what to expect out of my car.

How many of us take the Light of God for granted as I took my car's headlights for granted?  We expect Him to always be there to light the way for us.  Just like when we are in the midst of a storm or confusion we expect to tap more Light from God to guide us.  Whether or not we have tapped into Him, we expect from Him. 

We can't take God for granted. We need Him to light our path so that we are not fumbling around or driving blind; especially if we are going to make it to our planned destinations.  

If we don't "know" HIM and if we don't "know" how the Kingdom of God operates we are driving on an unlighted path. 
Just like my car has an owner's manual, there is a manual to the Kingdom of God, it is His Word, the Bible.  We get to KNOW God through His word and talking with Him.  In order for God to KNOW us, we have to take the first steps to get to KNOW HIM.

I pray that you aren't taking God for granted and that before you start your day, that you have some time with God to get to know Him.  Talk to Him and read His Word.  Let His Light shine on you, in you and through you to others on your path reminding them that they also need His Light.

Until next time, God Bless!!!!


  1. Amen! Thank you for sharing this Joela. I know that often I find myself "too busy" to read the word and I think you writing this is God calling me out. Thank you for being such a blessing to me and a vessel of God's work to so many. Love you lady! God bless you and I'm glad that you're ok.

  2. Amen! Thank you for sharing this Joela. I know that often I find myself "too busy" to read the word and I think you writing this is God calling me out. Thank you for being such a blessing to me and a vessel of God's work to so many. Love you lady! God bless you and I'm glad that you're ok.
