Friday, June 30, 2017

Kingdom Atmosphere

I just love that song "When You Walk Into the Room" as it speaks about everything changing as Jesus walks in.  Think about this for a moment with me.  As He walks into the room darkness not only trembles, it flees.  Sickness is removed and restoration starts to take place.  The lame walk.  Broken hearts are repaired.  The dead come to life because of Who He is.  HE IS GOD!

The image that pops into my mind is the C.S. Lewis story about Narnia.  As Aslan the Lion is walking through a space of nothingness, he is singing.  As he sings life starts spring forth like a picture starts to be created when an artist starts painting a canvas.  He sang life into existence.  The kingdom of Narnia was thus created.  I just love that image as that is how I see God.

As He moves through the universe, life starts to exist.  The void cannot remain, as God is the Creator, the nothing has to turn into something. That is His very nature as Creator.  

As our King of kings come through His Kingdom the very atmosphere has to change, not to remain the same.  How can it?  As He is God.  The rocks will sing His praises, mountains will move, waters will obey Him as they recognize Who He Is!

When we are in the presence of God how can we remain the same?  If the atmosphere cannot help but change as God is there, how can we think that we can?  

We as Christians have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us.  We are His temple...we are a personal room He enters...our life changes from the inside out.  

The Kingdom Atmosphere isn't just in the church building during service, or at a Christian Conference or even a Revival Meeting.  The Kingdom Atmosphere is where ever we are when we invite Him to come have His way.  It is everywhere that we share Him with those around us.  Where ever we go we take the Kingdom Atmosphere with us.  The Kingdom Atmosphere is where ever we pray, praise, worship.  How we do that is between us and Him.  

Personally, I talk to Him all day long.  I don't get up in the morning without telling Him, "Good morning Papa God, I love You.  I look forward to our day together!  Who are we going to bless today?" and I don't go to bed without telling Him, "Good night Daddy, I love you.  What a great day we had, I look forward to tomorrow with You!"  All day long I speak to Him as I would my very best friend.  Actually, I talk to Him more than I do my friends as I am not good about picking up a phone to call my friends when I think about them.  However with God I just start talking as I know He is always with me.  It doesn't matter if I am alone in the physical or not.  I love Him that much!

How can the atmosphere where we are not be radically changed as God is always where He is welcomed, honored and deeply loved?  God come and have your way, AMEN!

My friends, I invite you to change your world around you by inviting God to rock your world and let Him change it by bringing His Kingdom Atmosphere.

Until Next Time, God Bless!

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