Imagine my surprise when I hear that my daughter considers this my "God Blog"? Upon hearing this I was immediately hurt. I was hurt to find out that my son hasn't read it, I am hurt that I can't get my husband to read it and I am hurt that the one person in my family that has read it called it the God Blog. I had to hang up from the phone call to go cry. I am pouring out my inner most thoughts into this blog and that is the only feedback that I get from my family (besides that it is too long) is that it is the God Blog, I was just plain hurt.
God immediately convicted me. I let the enemy slip in and cause me to be offended over that harmless statement. I tried telling God, "oh I am not offended I am just hurt." His immediate comeback was, "WHY?" I don't know about you, but when God talks to me His words are few but they have impact!
Hmm. As I put away the last of the laundry I am still thinking about the "WHY?". As I got ready for Good Friday service I am still thinking about the "WHY?" Why was this bothering me? Why was I letting it bother me? As we are driving to the church it left my mind and I began thinking about other things.
As we walk into church I am thrilled to be there. Thanking God that nothing interfered with my being there, I arrived safe and sound and ready to receive the word. Apostle Daniel is going to bring an awesome word straight from God and I am there to hear it! AMEN!
What an awesome word it was. Good Friday. He spoke of the Divine Exchange at the Cross. It was a powerful message. I can't wait to get the CD to hear it a few more times!!!
After the word was communion. As I am praying prior to taking the communion I am asking forgiveness for my sins. Yep you got it, God convicted me yet again regarding the offense I felt from the harmless statement earlier. I was not about to take communion and not ask forgiveness when He brought it to me twice, I even repented for not repenting at the first conviction! God is so good, I love Him!!!
As we were driving home I had to laugh at myself. Why was I offended? This is my blog that is based off what the Holy Spirit places upon my heart to share. All I really talk about is God, so it IS my God Blog! I am proud that my daughter has dubbed it that. I am embracing the title that has been given to it. Welcome to my God Blog!
I pray that the posts on this God Blog bless you and you in turn bless others.
Until next time, God Bless!!