God and I have been talking. There is a prayer request that I have and He asked, "How bad do you want it? What are you willing to sacrifice?" Fair enough Lord, fair enough.
We all have been made aware that I had a lack of understanding in regards to the importance of fasting and prayer. The church will start their monthly 3-day fast on Monday, April 1st and it will go thru the 3rd. I will have to check but I believe they fast through the day and eat soup at 6:00 pm. When you don't intentionally think about something you really don't think about it to remember the specifics.
The Holy Spirit is holding my hand but we are in the process of building up to the corporate 3-day fast. Today I am fasting until noon. I am to condition my flesh in preparations for the 1st of the month fast. One step at a time.
Prayer is an "IMPORTANT" aspect of fasting and prayer. Otherwise it is just a spiritual diet and that is not what this is.
When do you squeeze in the extra prayer for the fast when you work 9 - 10 hours a day? You pray when you would have been preparing, eating and cleaning up the mess. Simple enough.
While my husband prepared his breakfast, I went into prayer. While I prepared our lunches and his snacks, I prayed. At work when I wanted my morning snack, I prayed.
I should tell you that my husband are on this eating regiment (I refuse to say the word D. I. E. T.) called the Zone. There is a lot of work to this Zone, not only prepping work but research work. There is tons of fruits and veggies. Somehow it all balances out. I let him do all the research. Too much thinking about food has me eating....where the mind goes the body follows.
As I mentioned the Holy Spirit and I are in the process of building up to all day fast or even the fast until 6:00 pm. To build up to that I plan to fast as follows:
- Today, Tuesday until noon
- Wednesday until 1:00 pm
- Thursday until 2:00 pm
- Friday until 3:00 pm
- Saturday until 4:00 pm
- Sunday until 5:00 pm
There you are my commitment has been written down for the whole world to see and hold me accountable. I will no longer be a weak prayer warrior. Through prayer and fasting comes power. The flesh man will have to lose this battle in order for my spirit man to grow and become strong.
By the way, I made it to noon and didn't wither away. Thank you Jesus, to You be all the glory!!! Amen!!!
I thank those that have been praying for me along with my church family.
Until next time, God Bless!
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