Thursday, March 28, 2013


One Step at a Time, One Day at a Time. <breathe>

10:00 am Break
I have been keeping my word to God doing my fasting prelims.  Today is feeling a bit rough.  You know the light-headed-ness, the woosie feeling, the spotty vision and the headaches that come with not eating.  Trying to pray during all the noise at work.  Phone calls, printers, fax machines, and all the noise that takes place in an office of a warehouse.

I know all is well.  The enemy is messing with me via my flesh.  My flesh man is fighting my spirit man.  Pray Joela pray.  This is nothing you can't handle.  God has given you everything that you need to get through this.

Today I am only fasting until 2:00 pm.  I am seeing that I need juice for the fasts.  I am without a vehicle today, so I will just have to suck it up.   Be back in a while, need to talk to God before my break is totally over....

5:00 pm and I am home from work from a busy, busy day at work.  Thank you Lord for the job, the day and the hand holding.

I prayed at the 10:00 am break and started this post.  I was busy before the break and got slammed after.  So much so that even if I could have had a lunch at the normal time of 11:00 am, I was too busy to stop and eat.  I finally ate around 2:30 pm.  I contribute the busyness to the Lord.  He kept me so busy that I didn't have time to notice how my body was feeling.  Amen, Hallelujah, Thank You Jesus!!!

It is hard to pray when there is no break room or no place to take your lunch except at your desk that is between your boss and your co-worker.  Not to mention your phone doesn't have a do not disturb feature so it is always ringing in your ear.  No privacy to pray, which is fine it is a place of work after all.  So I did silent prayers throughout the day. 

I have the next 3 days off so the plan is to pray during the normal lunch hours.  Tomorrow I get to eat around 3:00 pm however I think I will just have to make it a snack since my husband likes dinner as close to 5:00 pm as possible.

The progress of keeping the flesh man under control has been happening thanks to the Holy Spirit.  I made a promise to God that I was going to do it, no more excuses.   I will keep you apprised of the progress.

Your continued prayers are accepted and appreciated. 

Until next time.  God Bless!!!

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