Sunday, March 17, 2013

My Source

As I sit here looking at the mentoring academy assignment for this week I am being asked about me and my relationship with God.  Do I know God?  Do I know the role God has in my life?  Who is God to Me?  Do I believe in God and His plan?  What is my belief level in God?  And the question that popped off the page to me is what name is God in my life

I have been thinking about that question for 2 days.  Last year I did some research and found that there are 8 redemptive Name of God.  Four of which I remember and call on each day. 
  • Jehovah-Jireh - The Lord our Provider
  • Jehovah-Nissi - Our Banner, a Banner of Love and Protection
  • Jehovah-Rapha - Lord my Healer
  • Jehovah-Shalom - Our Perfect Peace
I believe in the other four names but for some reason unbeknownst to me, I don't call on Him with those names.  
  • Jehovah-Tsid-Kenu (ok, I can't pronounce this one) - The Lord is our Righteousness
  • Jehovah-Shammah - He is Omnipresent
  • Jehovah-Sabaoth - Lord of Hosts, our Protector
  • Jevovah-Raah - Our Shepherd
When I tried to narrow it down to one I hit the proverbial brick wall.  How do you narrow down the name of God for your life when each day He is Everything?  

My pastor was able to name hers at the drop of a dime.  She and her family for the last year have been in the trial of their lives, Jehovah Shalom has kept her in perfect peace during the whole experience. 

Ok, this gave me an example to think about.  At first the quick response would be that He is my Jehovah-Rapha because of all the healing that He has done in me this past year.   Then I thought well in this economy when so many are out of work, I have my wonderful job that I love, so he is my Jehovah-Nissi.  This went on for each of His names.

He is my Father, He is my King, He is my Rock, my Protector, my Shepherd....and the list goes on and on.

How do you narrow it down when He is your EVERYTHING?!?!?!  Seriously, I ask you how?!?!?  

As I was in prayer this morning, God told me who He is to me.  He is my Source. THAT'S IT!!!  Yes You are, You are my Source! 

How simple was that I ask you?  He is my Source.  Amen!

I am writing this today to ask you, what name is God in your life?  Do you know?  Speak who you need Him to Be in your life.  

In a previous post I told you if you speak the name of the demon he shows up, well it works the same way for God.  You call Him by the Name you need and He is there!  You need healing, call Him Jehovah-Rapha.  You need provision, call Him Jehovah-Nissi.  You just have to call Him and He is there for you.

I pray that you find your Source in Him.  AMEN!

Until next time, God Bless!!!!

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