Saturday, June 29, 2013

90 Day Challenge

In the Dream to Destination course that I am taking, there is a Change Project that has been assigned.  It is something that you are going to change about yourself.  Those that know me know that I have several areas of my life that I need change in, so where to start?

I went straight to prayer to ask God what it was that He wanted me to change first.  I have to honestly tell you that I didn't want to hear what He had to say.  Oh I know that I know that I know that this area of my life needs to change, but I really didn't feel that I was ready to take this on yet.  

However being a child of the Living God isn't always easy but we all know that He only wants what is best for us.  We have to overcome our "feelings" and do what needs to be done.

What I felt in my spirit as I prayed was that I am to lose the weight and get healthier.  Yep, no brainer.  If you saw me you would know that I am extremely obese and have control issues with food. 

With my ministry Comfort with Comforters having a community event on September 28th (in 90 days) I have decided to use that as my goal date to lose some weight.  I will need lots of energy and stamina for this event so in my mind it seemed the logical date.

The 90-Day Challenge to myself is to Eat Sensibly

Start Date: June 28, 2013 (yesterday) - Goal Date: September 27, 2013
Start Weight: 302.7 pounds - Goal Weight: 285 (or less)

None of the following (weaknesses of mine) – during the challenge:
  • Starbucks / Dutch Bros Etc.
  • Sodas
  • Popcorn
  • Red Vines or Candy
  • Ice Cream / Cakes / Pastries
  • Chips & Dip / Pretzels
  • Tortillas / Bread
  • Pasta Meals
  • Fast Food – Take Out etc.
Limiting the following (weaknesses of mine) – during the challenge:
  • Coffee (2 cups in morning only)
  • Cheese / Dairy
  • Nuts
  • Fruit
  • All goodies at BBQ Events
Fri/Sat/Sun – Broiled Fish / Veggies / Salad 
Wed – Salad topped with Tuna
Mon/Tue/Thurs - 4 – 6 oz of Meat (grilled or broiled) / Veggies / Salad 

Drinking Water and Unsweetened Tea
Exercise – Treadmill ½ hour when I get up in the mornings 

I have also spoke to all of my enablers and they have agreed to not bring me goodies that will sabotage me.

The goal of this challenge is to overcome the cravings that consume my life.  You do something over enough times it becomes habit.  When I complete the above challenge it will become 2nd nature to me and I will continue it as a lifestyle.  

If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you.

My Bible Verse in this season is: Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world 1 John 4:4

I pray that if there is an area of your life that needs change take it to God for help.  With God all things are possible Matthew 19:26.

Until next time, God Bless!!!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Having to Have it All

I was at an event with some friends having a discussion about my recent purchase of all the cds of an artist that we share a common appreciation.  One friend pulls out his phone and shows me how he purchases music.  For 99 cents he would get a song he loves downloading it to his phone.  There were hundreds and hundreds of songs on that phone.  There was no rhyme or reason or organization of their storage, it was in my mind, mass chaos.  It literally overwhelmed me.

Today, I was reflecting on the music that is on my iPod and how I haven't worked anymore on getting my iTunes organized so I can create the different play lists that I want.  As I was contemplating this I was "already" getting overwhelmed that the major bulk of the music that I have is from my friend that is in an unlabeled file, with the songs just there with no titles.  Hundreds of songs just in the file like a smorgasbord of music.  Not to mention they are just the songs he wanted and not entire cds.

I have been avoiding this task because I was very uncomfortable that I didn't have the entire cd, just songs that my friend gave me.  The solution in my mind was to go buy the entire cds so that I wouldn't be missing something that I might enjoy.   

Then the Holy Spirit stopped me in my tracks.  "You are this way about everything, why?"    Yes, Lord, thank you!!!!

He is so right, I do have to have the entire collection of things.

My mind flashed to the compulsive shopper in me and I cringed.  Why did I have to purchase a shirt in every color?  Why do I have to get every rubber stamp set that I had a coordinating punch for or have to buy every scrap of fabric that has Snoopy on it or get everything that coordinates with something that I have because I might miss it if I don't have it?

I thought I was getting this under control, however this situation has brought to light that I have been trying to do this on my own.  No more, I am turning this distorted desire to having to have it all over to God.  Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.  

I pray that His grace be sufficient for me and His strength made perfect in my weakness.  He who has begun a good work in me is faithful to complete.  May I finish strong in Jesus name!  Amen!

Don't get me wrong, "wanting it all" isn't always bad.  However my OCD of Shopping was.  I could have used that money to buy the car of my dreams, purchased energy efficient windows for our home or better yet, blessed others more.

I pray that if you are like this, that you turn your compulsiveness over to God.  He is the only One who can help you with this.

Until next time, God Bless!