Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Dream Big or Go Home!

God gave us our dreams; they might as well be GINORMOUS!!!  Yes this is the movie poster for the new Snoopy movie that is in the works for release next year at this time.  I love Snoopy and his imagination.  He thinks it and he becomes it. 

He is just a dog and he doesn't let that stop him from being a WWI Flying Ace flying his Sopwith Camel taking down the Red Baron.  Snoopy is a living tribute to all the men and women in all the branches of the armed forces.  What a patriotic pooch!

He is Joe Cool being the Big Man on Campus being one of the coolest and hippest personas the dog has.  He made a name for himself all around Charlie Brown's school.

He is a beagle scout, a legal beagle, and my personal favorite he is a literary ace!  Snoopy is always working on writing The Great American Novel that I personally look forward to reading.  He never gives up on the dream no matter how many rejection letters he receives.

How many of even remember our dreams?  I have always seemed to be interested in telling stories and even talked about writing a book when I was 21.  Life happened and I forgot about my dream of writing a book.  I continued to tell my stories but the dreams of writing literally died. 

I would write about my Doobie Brother concert adventures (on the fan club page) that were so detailed that you thought you were there.  I would write letters and emails that would be so thorough that the reader probably just skimmed as they didn't have all day to find out what happened to me during whatever scene I was relaying.  

It would take me a couple hours to write what only took 5 minutes to read however I couldn’t stop writing until I got on to paper what was in my head….but I forgot about the dream of writing.

I thank God He sent me a man to tell me “God said that you are to Write, Write, Write.  You have a lot of stories to tell you need to write them.”   

That word from the prophet sent me into prayer asking God if that was true, and He reminded me of the dream that I had when I was younger. 

How many of us need reminding of the dream?  How many of us let the dream fade away through the hustle and bustle of this busy life we lead?  How many of us don’t think that we deserve to live our dreams?  God gave us our dreams and the desire to make them our reality. 

If you can dream it, you can be it.  Become your dream.  If you want to dance, dance.  If you want to teach, teach.  If you want to be an artist, get to creating! 

You my friends are the only thing stopping you on your path to your destiny.   If there is a boulder on your path move it, go around it or go over it.   Don’t let anything detour you from your dream.

God gave Joseph a dream.  His dream made his family angry and his brothers hated him more than they did before the dream.  They sold him into slavery over the dream and through all their hatred of him. 

However his brother’s hatred was part of the plan.  If they would not have sold him into slavery, those 13 years of him being with God and God using him in Egypt to become the right hand man of Pharaoh.  He would not have been able to save his family during the famine.    

Not everyone may be in favor of your dream.  Don’t let the setbacks stop your comeback!  You keep turning to God and moving forward.

The children of Israel wanted to go back to Egypt when the Egyptians were chasing them when they came upon the Red Sea.  Moses wanted them to be still and let God show His power.  However God wanted them to go forward.  They couldn’t move toward their promise land if they stood still.    God did show His power separating the Red Sea when Moses and the Israelites trusted God that He had their backs.  They moved forward, Moses lifted his staff, the seas parted and the Israelites walked on “dry” ground.   Not only were the waters moved they were sucked out of the ground, for them to walk on dry land.  No one getting stuck in the mud during that miracle.  

God made the way for them to move toward the promise and their destiny they just needed to move forward.  He gave them everything they needed, they just needed to believe in the promise, obey the word of instruction and then step out in faith showing God they trusted in Him.   When they trusted Him enough to move forward, He (in the form of a cloud) moved between them and their enemy, the Egyptians.  Their faith of moving forward toward deep waters was what allowed God to not only part the waters for them but to move between them and the enemy.

Dream your dream, step out in faith working that talent that your dream is centered around and watch God make a way for your dream to become reality. 

Work it baby, work it!

Not knowing which direction to go?  Ask God for directions.
Not knowing how to proceed?  Ask God how He wants you to proceed.
Not knowing what avenue to take?  Ask God what route you are to take.

He gave you the dream and will help you with it.  We serve a Big God and He can make the way for the Biggest of Dreams happen!  Believe in the Big God that gave you your Big Dream.  Let God be God and let Him show you that nothing is impossible.  Step out in faith.  Dream it, become it.

Dream Big or Go Home!

To God Be All the Glory AMEN AMEN AMEN!

Until Next Time, God Bless!

Saturday, November 15, 2014


How many of us struggle with finding our purpose in life?  Some people are born with knowing their purpose and others of us have spent a lifetime trying to figure it out. 

In March of 2012 I was prophesied over being told that God said you are to “Write, Write, Write that you have a lot to say and you are to write it.”   I was blessed by that prophesy because I didn’t have a clue I could write.  Even though I wrote all the time, I didn’t know that I was born to write.

I thought I was born to be some kind of crafter.  Those that know me know that God has blessed me (big time) with a talent for crafting and creating.  It is one of my passions, I love to make things pretty!

I never dreamt that God created me to do anything other than share the love of making things with others.  I truly believe that He has allowed my passion for creating to blossom because I shared it.  I bless others by teaching them that they have it in them to make something out of nothing.  I bless others by lifting their self esteem when they find out that they can create something either from a pattern or coping what they see.  I bless others by giving them cards and gifts that I have made.  I don’t keep my talent to myself.  If I did, God would have taken it away a long time ago.

My writing purpose I am still struggling with.  I love to write and as you can tell I write as often as I can get time to type.  I have a book started.  I have written a couple children’s stories that are in the process of getting illustrations to make them come alive.  I have my God Blog.  I have my Facebook writer’s page.  I WRITE, but I have to ask God all the time, am I writing what You created me to do?  Am I writing what YOU want me to write?

I may not be a famous writer, but I am a writer.  I know that God has me writing and even if my writings only touch one person, those words were to bless them!  AMEN!

I have a great desire to help the homeless.  I don’t do much but I do what I can, when I can.  Here is a comforter, here is some water and food, and here are some necessities that will help you feel better about yourself during your current circumstances.  I wish I could do more, but this is what I have to give.  When I get more, I will give more.  My friends, you better believe and know that God tests me on that promise.  I pray I never let Him down or those He brings to me to help.  AMEN!

I also teach, I teach paper crafts, I teach sewing and quilting, I teach life skills to youth, I teach children’s church, I teach adults Bible Study and I teach my co-workers how to use their computers for other than checking their email.   I never thought I had what it took to be a teacher and yet I teach someone something every day.

I know that I know that I know God has me teaching folks His word.  He has me learning His word so I can teach His word. 

The Great Commission my friends was a commandment not a suggestion.  We are to tell others about Jesus.  We are to share the good news that is the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Our world is filled with lost souls that are seeking Him and they don’t even know it.  Whatever our purpose in life is, know that sharing the love of Christ is a part of your purpose.

Are you living your life with purpose?  Even if you don’t know your purpose, are you living on purpose?  What is your passion, what drives you, what infuriates you?   I am willing to say with some certainty that your purpose will be centered around that.  You are not too young or too old for you to find and fulfill your purpose.  David was a boy when he killed Goliath.  Moses was 80 when God sent him to Egypt to set His people free. 

When you ask God for your purpose He will show you.  Just enough to get you started.  He will give you a small assignment, if you obey, He will give you the next one.  If you don’t follow the first instruction, you won’t get the next one.  Are you obeying God?  Are you doing something while you are waiting?  Are you doing for others?  Get out of yourself and get into loving others.  Let God flow in you and through you.

Are you serving anyone other than your immediate family?  Do you help anybody?  Are you busy going for the crown that you don’t serve.  Maybe you have forgotten to?
Your purpose does not have to be big or have prestige.  Your purpose does not have to make you rich or famous.  Before you take your last breath, serve somebody.

Are you one of those that just go to church and eats, and eats, and eats, and eats?  Well my friends, are you full yet so that you can serve others?  Church service is not to be your entertainment on a Sunday morning.  It is to teach you, to fill you up so that you can live your life as God instructs.  One of His instructions is to love others, are you loving on folks that need you to love on them? 

If God gave you a car make sure you are giving someone a ride!
If God gave you money buy someone a meal or warm clothing!
If God gave you food make sure you are feeding someone who is hungry!
If God gave you talents make sure you use them to lift someone up!
If God gave you arms hug someone!
If God gave you words speak life into someone!
If God gave you feet walk over to someone and bless them!

Does your life serve a higher purpose than you?  Why should God give you more days if you are just going to sit around?  Why should God give you talents if you are not going to use them to bless others? 

When you serve people, God will provide, God will protect, and God will Guide you!  AMEN!

Be committed to your purpose - whether you feel like it or not.  You do what you got to do when you got to do it.

You don’t do things for your critics and enemies.  It is not about your haters.  It is not about those that misunderstand you.  It is not about what they think and what they heard and what they feel.

When you live on purpose, the moment that you remember your purpose, there is nothing that your enemies can do or say that will ever stop you again.

My loves, when you have income, influence and/or impact you are going to have enemies and haters.  Please know that the more income, influence and/or impact you have - the more enemies and haters you will have.

That is how you will know that you have greater income, influence, and/or impact when you are attacked.  That attack will inform you that you have become serious enough to be on the attack list of the enemy.

If you are not under attack that is because you are not making an impact.  The enemy is not going to waste his time and resources on an attack on those that have no impact! 

Ask yourself a question, “If I were satan how and where would I attack me?”  That is how/where he is going to attack you.  Your weakness will be used to his advantage and your disadvantage. 

However my loves, Greater is He that is in me that he that is in the world.  David encouraged himself in the Lord.  You need to remember your God has brought you this far and He will bring you out of this desert, He will bring you out victorious.  He will KEEP YOU!

Satan knows he has already lost, but he is trying to get as many of God’s people as he can to go down with him.  Misery loves company.  Don’t keep him company and help take away others that are heading to his everlasting party of misery.

That is your purpose my friends, to serve God.  To praise and worship God.  How do you show your love for God – loving others!  Who you loving on today?  Is it you or is it others that God has brought into your sphere of influence? 

You don’t have to have wealth to have influence. You have the influence of God, run with it!

I pray that if you are under attack that you are lifted up knowing that God has got you.  I pray that your purpose is made clear to you and that you live your life with that purpose in Jesus name!  Amen!

To God Be All The Glory, AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!

Until Next Time, God Bless!!!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Going for the Gold!

There we are, sitting in the same church building, hearing the same message; same words spoken, but you and your neighbor walk away with different messages.  Have you ever wondered why that is?

You are hearing the same words that your neighbor heard.  In this season they needed to know that they should not live in fear, but you needed to know that Christ is coming back sooner rather than later, get the Word out, spread the Gospel.

Know that you are hearing what God needs for you to hear in this season of your life. 

The word you need might not be the same word that I need or that our neighbor needs.  God touches our hearts in the ways that He needs us to be touched.

As a preacher preaches the message, he (or she) is spreading an overabundance of nuggets out for us to pick up.  Some of us might grasp the same nugget; however most of us reach for the nugget that is just for us.   Then there are those of us that are greedier and hungrier for the word than others and we are stuffing our pockets with all the nuggets that we possibly can. 

I am one of those; I want all the words, missing none.  I want to write everything down that is preached from the pulpit, not missing a single word.  I want all the nuggets that are spread out before me – what might not be relevant for today may be exactly what I need for tomorrow, I don’t want to miss anything!

Sitting in church, I miss my (TiVo) pause button that I have at home watching my favorite evangelists…what was that, what did I miss…pause, back up, replay…getting every word!!

As I get ready for church or even as I turn on my television for my televised sermons, I am excited, I tell God, “Ok God, whatcha got for me today?  What do I get to learn today?  I am expectant for MY word Lord, bring me my word” 

When I go expectant, I never leave empty handed.  I walk away with my word, with my message that was brought from the Holy Spirit through the vessel that is speaking to me.  I pray for all God’s messengers, fill them up o Lord, fill them up and let their message flood the nations.  I want my Living Water that is Your Word o God.  I want my word!!!

Are you getting the word from God that you need?  Are you expectant of a word?  Tell God to bring it to you that you are ready. 

Don’t let those nuggets that are meant for you left lying on the ground, pick it up, study that nugget, get that nugget into your spirit, live that nugget and share that nugget with the next person who needs it.  After all gifts from God are not meant to be hoarded, they are meant to be shared with the world!

I pray that you go for the Gold my friend, it is yours, go for it!

Until Next Time, God Bless!!!