Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Can I have two?

It was a season where I was merely existing.  I started out the year wanting to accomplish a lot however before I knew it, I had allowed the attacks of the enemy to keep me bound to the couch just being in a depressed daze for days that turned into weeks.  I was just going through the motions of going to work, home, church and back again.  

Unlike my normal bubbly, bigger than life itself personality, when I went to work I didn't engage with my co-workers.  If I did talk to anyone, I would just say enough to get away.  

At church I would slip in quietly hoping to be able to slip out as quickly as I slipped in.   It was a sad existence.

I remember that moment vividly that woke me out of my daze.

I was at church, trying to leave the sanctuary when Pastor Ruth turned and looked me straight into the eyes and blurted out, "Joela Oetterer I'm gonna tap you!"  Meekly I asked, "What did I do?"  Her response still rings in my ears, "Sometimes you just have to tap people into their destiny!"

Without even taking a breath or time to think I responded, "Can I have two?"

Who does that?  Can I have two?  Are you kidding me? Have you seen Pastor Ruth's and her taps she dishes out?  

She is much stronger than she realizes and has power behind that slap she calls a "tap".  That woman could tap demons out of you that would not ever return because they would be so scared of crossing her path again.  

To this day I am still dumbfounded that I asked for two of her taps.  I am reminded of Elisha asking Elijah for a double portion or blessing.  It is easy to ask for two, but a great responsibility comes with it.  However, Elisha's purpose was so deep in his core that he knew he had to have the double mantel of his mentor.

Ruth Mateola is not only my mentor, she is also my pastor, my spiritual mother and my friend.  To say that Pastor Ruth is an anointed woman of God just doesn't do it justice for the amount of anointing that is on her life.  The Holy Spirit uses her tenacity to the perfect will of the Father for the Kingdom of God.  

She is a go-getter for God.  Her ministries and teachings are so anointed that they are beneficial to men, women and children alike.  People don't even have to know that she is a pastor to know that there is someone special and/or different about her.  The love of God just shines through her to all those in her wake.

That is what I want.  I want a double portion of her anointing.  You may call it greedy however God wants us to have everything that He has promised us.  The more we have the more it glorifies God.   Jesus said that we will do what He did and more.  John tells us that the world can't contain all books that it would take to note all that Jesus did in his 3 year ministry.  Jesus had the ultimate anointing.  


The great thing is that God wants that too! So if it takes Pastor Ruth tapping me into my destiny I will take the taps willingly, not just two, I will take all that it takes to get me where God wants me to be!

Once you get it into your spirit that you were created on purpose for a purpose - you will want to achieve it.  If it is going to be, it is up to me.   Working with the Holy Spirit you will accomplish your purpose.

Do you have someone to chase after?  Do you have a mentor that will encourage and advise you into your destiny?  Do you have someone to tap you out of your daze that is stealing your days?

I pray that we all team up with the Holy Spirit.  I pray for open doors.  I pray for helpers of destiny.  I pray for mentors and people for us to chase that will bring us up to the next level and the next level (and so on).  That we continue to grow in God and in our purpose.  

May we all receive those double taps into our destiny. 

Until Next Time, God Bless!