Saturday, February 2, 2019

Finding Focus through Patience

I am in the process of un-quilting my current art quilt.  This is not quick nor fun.  I am working from the back of the piece so that I don't mess up the layers of fabric on the front.  Even though from the back everything looks fine, my fingers are feeling all the pucker problems that are taking place on the front.

As I am taking out the stitches, I hear in my spirit that this quilt is going to have to be done differently that my previous pieces due to the size and the different issues that are going on with it.  I hear that I am going to have to focus on an area of the image at a time instead of working on the piece as a whole.  As the guiding words are being said the picture of what to do is going through my head.  

This scene was more than guiding me through my art piece.  God has been trying to teach me patience.  Not a fun thing when you are an over-achieving-get-it-done-now type of person.  Actually, patience is easier said than done.  At least for me.

Believe it or not I always thought I was patient, as least until I thought I have waited long enough then I am done with it.  I have been known to wait 7 months for my husband to do something before I’d pay someone to do it for me.   That was being patient, right?  

I found out that was not what God was referring to.  My over-achieving mentality has me pushing myself to get things done in timelines that I have set for myself.  I am mad at me, that my body is not letting me to things at the pace that I want to go. 

I want to be productive on my days off.  I want to get things done as my projects are stacking up.  I don't want to waste a minute for doing nothing, watching tv or taking naps.  I have things to do.  I have things I want to accomplish.  Monday comes too quickly and then I won't have time to work on what I want to work on.  Time is precious and I don't want to waste it on doing nothing.  I hate doing nothing.  Nothing is boring.  Nothing means to sit still, I am a fidgeter I don't know how to sit still.  My mind doesn't know what to do when I am to do nothing.  It goes faster than my body can keep up with when I am 100% and you want me to do nothing!?!?

After I had pled my case, I sat there defeated.  God let me run out of wind as I had this argument with Him.  Papa God tells me, "I don't want you to do nothing, I want you to have focus.  Have patience and focus.  Yes, you want to do it all, be patience and focus on the moment.  Focus on what you can do.  You need to be patient with you.  Your goals are good goals, but your timelines need work.  By trying to get it all done now, you are not enjoying the process.  Your focus is on the finish line.  Your focus needs to be on the moment.  Slow down.  Patience isn't about doing nothing, patience is about taking it a step at a time.  Enjoy the steps.  Enjoy the process."

That is the problem with the instant gratification of this life.  We want everything now.  We don't want to wait.  These last couple years, I have taken instant gratification into overdrive in several areas of my life.  Each area needs to be addressed and worked on.  It will be a slow process…I guess that is the point though, right?

Okay, breathe and let's take this in.  Today, I will focus on patience with me.  I will not get mad when I can't do everything that I want to accomplish.  Breathe and enjoy the process.  Enjoy the day.

What it is that you need to focus on?  What is it that you need to have patience on?  What process do you need to enjoy?

Life is a journey.  Journeys are meant to be enjoyed.  I pray that we all find our patience.  I pray that we all focus on the moment and that we enjoy it every step of the way. 

Until Next Time, God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Focus .... and ... Patience. Stepping along with you and our Lord. I am still thinking about the answers to your questions. However, Him, everything, and eternity....come to mind. js
